Finally got down to sorting out the photos in my desktop computer – putting them into folders, etc, and backing up on my portable hdd. Decided to post these lovely photos of the bunnies from July to Aug 2008 online. I have many many photos of all the bunnies that have ever lived in my house before. The sad thing is most bunnies do not have very long lifespans… I think it’s got to do with our hot tropical weather… so these photos are highly cherished ‘cos when these bunnies move on to bunny heaven, these photos will be all I have to remember my darlings by.
Pinky is getting a little too chubby I think… thought he swears he wasn’t the one who broke the stool…
He got really unhappy when I told him he should lose some weight.
I felt bad when I saw him sulking but my apologetic pleas fell on deaf ears.
Only Horlicks managed to cheer him up by licking him.
Comforting Pinky made Horlicks hungry… so she climbed on top of him to reach her food tray. Heh.
Peanut can be a homewrecker at times… look what she did to Coffee’s play house…
Oops… couldn’t get any photos of Peanut ‘cos it was too dark inside the box. Haha.
Bunnies are little quitters. Every once in a while you get one that lives forever.
Nice to see the pictures!