First day in Bangkok… the only day with a bit of free time. Went to the Healthland Spa at North Sathorn Rd for a really good aromatherapy oil massage. Thb850 for 1.5hrs. Really worth it. Wanted to do the Thai massage initially (which costs a superbly cheap Thb450 for 2 hrs) but my colleague wanted to do the former and so I followed suit…so she wouldn’t have to wait 30min for me.
Went to Siam Center to shop for 45mins (tight, tight schedule) but that’s ok ‘cos I spent a whopping on face and moisturisers, eyeliner and foundation even before I left Changi Airport. Bleah.
Think some of my colleagues are a little disappointed ‘cos it’s also elections day in Bangkok today… and no alcohol is served during the period from 6pm 4 Oct to 11:59pm 5 Oct.
Am supposed to prepare some slides for a presentation tomorrow. Last minute kena arrow by Bigmac. Sigh. Slacking a bit before I start preparing. Hehe. Here’re my photos from today. (I’m staying at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel).
Patience is very pleased that she got her own bed.
Dressing area
View from my window. (The water’s really brown).
Nice big sink. Good for putting on makeup.
Toiletries provided.
Lots of small and big towels. Heh.
Lots of free beverages (should be free ‘cos they’re not on the price list…)
Guess what’s a condom called on the price list? It’s called "Gent’s amenity". HAHAHA.
Wonder how many people will cave in to temptation and drink from the minibar.
What do you call someone who helps you with stuff? Ans: Assistant Manager.
Hotel lobby area
Interesting displays
Front desk area
I like the pop-up art!
Not sure why my pics turned out grainy and dark.
Not sure why either but by pressed and holding the capture button longer, I somehow managed to increase the exposure of the shot making it not as dark. *Scratches head*
Am using the Panasonic FX33. Toggling between the iA and night scenary modes.
Sigh. Nothing interesting’s on TV tonight. I’m actually watching Channel News Asia! Pengz. Okie… time to do my slides. Don’t know what I’m going to talk about man. Crap.
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