Wretched Witch!

It is with much ire that i am writing this post. Circumstances have forced me to work with this temperamental, greedy, and unethical woman. Not only is her character highly questionable, her organisational skills have also been found to be sorely lacking. There is no system in the way she does things. Everything is done on a haphazard basis. Her method of scheduling people to work is by sending them an sms, sometimes as last minute as 2 days before they are supposed to be on duty! Very often, she has to be reminded before she starts sending out her sms.

Although i don’t agree with the way she does things, i would have no issues if everything went smoothly because i don’t like to interfere in other people’s jurisdiction. U do your job, i do mine. 井水不犯河水 (directly translated as “well water will not offend river water”). But when she keeps sending the “u are on duty” sms to the wrong people, that impacts me! So of course i have to step in.

For months, i have politely suggested that she should do the work roster on a monthly basis, and the roster to be given out to all at least 1-2 weeks in advance. As politely as i suggested, she politely ignored. After tolerating her nonsense for 1 year, i got fedup and sent her a template of how a roster should look like, and asked her to fill in the blanks for me.

She ignored my email. I reminded her on the phone but she kept quiet. So i sent her another email to chase her for it… and still there as no response from her site. Finally, totally fedup with her poor attitude, i did a roster myself, and sent it out to her, as well as all the people involved. I was really annoyed and wanted to show it, albeit subtly. I wrote in my email,

“Dear Wretched Witch,

As I have not heard from you regarding the schedule for the month of Jul, I thought I’ll just do up a schedule myself. Hope this will ease your load since you’re so busy with XXX.”

In the body of that email, i also included my previous emails asking her for a roster. My boss was also on the cc list.

Guess what WW just replied? She said,

“The schedule for July is as the same as June roster, shouldnt be of any change, except if people are not free to do duty, they have to arrange themselves with fellow team members to cover up.”

HUH? Schedule for July the same as June roster? So i’m supposed to live with same cock-up schedule month after month huh? June-July-Aug-Sep and so on?? So brillant! Everyone applaud! *Rolls eyes* I am so sick & tired of this stupid Wretched Witch. Since she doesn’t want to co-operate, i shall not try to save her face either.

So my reply went,

“Hi Wretched Witch,

In case you did not know, there has been frequent errors in manpower involvement for weekend duties. We often have too many agents on duty for weekends, and we end up having to ask some not to come (because those who arrive early discover that the names in your sms telling them to report for duty don’t tally with the people you actually send the sms to.)

Also, when agents take leave to go on holiday, things get messy because everything is arranged 3 days to a week beforehand. For example recently, there was no one to cover Sweet Tweety when she was on leave & E was alone for his Tuesday duty. Another case was two Sundays ago, when Jenerous was still in Singapore and she turned up for duty, but you arranged for A to cover her. In the end, we had to ask A not to come because we already had 6 agents.

I believe we can prevent this from happening if we have a monthly black & white schedule, instead of relying on weekly sms. This way, we can also have advance planning for public holidays. Not to mention that since everyone can see clearly who is supposed to be on duty, it will be easier for them to make their own arrangements to swop duties.

Let us try this for July.



All the email exchanges were cc-d to my boss. I wouldn’t be surprised if the WW calls my boss to complain about me again. She did that last week when i acted for the benefit of her people. Anyway, that’s another story. Will leave it for some other time. Let’s see what this wretched witch can come up with now.

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June 2006
