Work & Passion

Went to JB for a farewell dinner for Iceman’s sister as she’s going to KL for her pre-uni studies this week.  We went to this Italian restaurant owned by a German chef.  The chef looked like he was in his late 50s but he was still doing the cooking at the stove the whole day.  We were the last customers that night and he sure looked weary.  Iceman’s dad commented that the thing that keeps people like that chef going is his passion for his work. 

I think that’s very true.  If you’re passionate about what you do, even if the hours are long and the work is exhausting, you will still press on and do your best. 

Recently, a colleague of mine has been "playing truant" at work quite a bit.  When we started looking back into all the times she was absent for work, we realised that all the "MCs" she took were never filed.  To take the occasional time off to run some personal errands is one thing.  But when you’ve been on supposed "medical leave" for 12 days (or more) in 6 months and not be able to produce an MC… I think that’s going way overboard.

The latest MC drama this colleague was embroiled in happened last week – she did a Thurs + Fri, Mon + Tue + Wed morning "medical leave".  To date, she has not been able to produce an MC. 

In addition to taking all these doubtful "medical leave", this colleague has also been taking frequent "urgent morning off" without filing for half a day leave when she’s back.  Sometimes I wonder if we’re being mean by (now) keeping track of her absenteeism.  But when I think about how the company is still giving her her salary and the good bonus her boss gave her in April, I actually feel that this nonsense should be clamped down.

Some of us tried to talk to her about it but the conversation didn’t quite get to the crux of the matter.  I wonder if someone should tell her straight in the face that she’s on the watch list at work and our HR dept may be issuing her a warning letter anytime soon.

It is difficult to be diplomatic and brutally honest at the same time.  I hope she reads my blog.  Sigh!

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June 2008
