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After Bazhang passed away, we bought Coffee, Peanut and Horlicks to accompany MC.  Horlicks is the spotted brown and white bunny, Peanut’s the all brown lionhead and Coffee’s the black lionhead.


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They all got on pretty well though Horlicks could be a bit of a bully at times.  (She used to chase Peanut and Coffee around when she was upset at being locked up in the cage.  Only MC could put a stop to her ‘cos he was much bigger than them.


muah chee humping horlicks DSC01284

Unbeknownst to us at first, MC was also after Horlicks… and the union eventually gave us little Pinky.


grown up muah cheepeanut  peanut & muah chee

The first pic shows MC all grown up.  He was quite a tall rabbit.  Peanut was really cute when she was small… before her mane got really messy.  Heh… and that’s MC’s ass in the pic – in a cute mid-air hop.


lop rabbits 2 peas 2 running peas

MC and Horlicks’ “pak tor” days.


Horlicks & Peanut share food Horlicks Escape

Horlicks and Peanut have been pretty good friends since young… though Horlicks (and now Pinky) has a habit of “chope-ing” their food by putting their paws in the food tray.  The 2nd pic is a really curious Horlicks sticking her head out the top of the cage.  She’s really tall now… and can stick her head out w/o standing on anything.


MC & Peanut inside House 

Peanut and MC were good friends too.  Actually MC had the sweetest nature of all the bunnies.  He never showed his temper, never stomped his food, and always watched out for the others (to the extent of stealing my mom’s plants for them to eat). 

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March 2009
