I used to say I wouldn’t want to go for an Australian WCS event cos I would rather save my leave for events in the US. So it was really on a whim that I signed up quite last minute to go for Swingsation. The primary factor was that I really wanted to make it out of Novice and felt I needed one more competition after Asia West Coast Swing Open to do it.
And so I did! The 4th place finish means I’m now in Intermediate. Yay! I didn’t jump for joy during awards but I did have a sense of satisfaction. Goal in attending Swingsation met!
Dance side, I also realised that because I don’t socialise much in Singapore in my attempt to balance family, bunnies, work and dance – Asia Open was pretty much spent getting to know the other local dancers in the scene – overseas events then is the opportunity to know some of the overseas dancers who often visit our shores but whom I didn’t get the chance to talk before.
The greatest take away from Swingsation was this to know some of the Malaysian WCS dancers. I found some very genuine, sincere and helpful people.
Anyway, I already know what I want to work on so time to further develop myself! 🙂
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